Saturday, January 2, 2016

Understanding Myself Better

According to the Four Personalities chart, it was analysed that being an Introversion = reflective, ruminating, quiet and reserved.

After being analysed and as a reference as of:
"Positive and Perfect Melancholy Temperament"

A Melancholy is someone who is Beaver, Thinker, Epimethian

Positive Attributes:
accurate, analytical, perfectionist, orderly, conscientious, precise, scheduled, detailed, practical, consistent, sensitive, inquisitive, discerning, controlled, genius prone, purposeful, serious, listener, philosophical, musical, artistic, efficient, deliberate, factual.

At Work:
neat ,tidy, list maker, economical, organized, engineering, like graphs and charts, see problems and solutions, frustrated by interruptions, motivated by high standards, likes instruction.

Negative Attributes:
antisocial, self-centered, depressive, negative, moody, unforgiving, critical, sulks, low self image, suspicious of people, antagonistic, hard to please, skeptical, rigid, passive-aggressive, hypochondriac, pessimistic, gloomy, brooding.

Wants Others To:
give lots of clear detailed information, respect their space, give them time to do it right,  appreciated their effort, communicate with facts, not get too personal, let them think, justify deviation from the norm, relate it to the present.

Well Known Melancholies:
Seven of Nine, Barbara Walters, George Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Colin Powell, Mother Teresa, Special Agent Mulder


The Melancholy's in the Details
Marked by their scheduled and critical temperaments, melancholies are known for crossing their "T's" and dotting their "I's."  To a melancholy, no detail is too insignificant or excessive. In fact, melancholies are so detail-oriented that they often become depressed when certain things fail to meet their high standards. People with this temperament also have affinities for making charts and lists, and they constantly analyze whether or not they're being productive.

When considering the melancholy's core emotional needs, it's important to remember the five "S's": space, silence, sensitivity, support and stability. Generally speaking, melancholies are serious individuals, and they appreciate people who share their deep-thinking and idealistic natures. Also, people with this temperament assert their control in situations by becoming moody and withdrawn.

Complete foils to the sunny sanguines, melancholies are characterized by their self-depreciating comments and overwhelming desires for perfection. However, people with this personality type are also known for being extremely loyal and faithful to those they let in their inner circle. Unlike fickle sanguines, who are known for having numerous friends and acquaintances, melancholies will be a friend for life.

Key strengths and weakness ascribed to melancholies:

Key Strengths:                                        Key Weaknesses:
Analytical, detailed and orderly               Pessimistic, insecure and resentful
Considerate and respectful                       Depression-prone and negative
Sensitive and self-sacrificing                   Unforgiving and skeptical
Cultured and idealistic                             Suspicious and introverted

Managing the Melancholy
You should approach him or her in an intellectual, sensible manner. As people who appreciate sincerity, they don't like it when administrators beat around the bush. Also, criticizing melancholies is usually unnecessary, as they are typically hard enough on themselves. According to Littauer, "Melancholies are task-oriented folks who are careful and organized.  These perfectionists thrive on order, and you can depend on them to complete a job on time. But, their perfectionism may make them critical or pessimistic, and they drive themselves crazy with their efforts to measure up to their own high standards."

Still, melancholies are valuable in the workplace because they bring talent and creativity into every situation. And, these self-sacrificing individuals will work tirelessly to ensure that their work is as cutting-edge and innovative as possible. The melancholy's life motto: "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right."

After reading all the facts, I would agreed on above for at least 90% of its accuracy.

Thank you for taking time to understand the real and truth me.

Always think that you are amazing, loved, and fantastic!


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